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In this remaking of the myth of Orpheus, Rushdie tells the story of Vina Apsara, a pop star, and Ormus Cama, an extraordinary songwriter and musician, who captivate and change the world through their music and their romance. Beginning in Bombay in the fifties, moving to London in the sixties, and New York for the last quarter century, the novel pulsates with a half-century of music and celebrates the power of rock ‘n’ roll.


Winner of the Eurasian section of the Commonwealth Prize

“No novelist currently writing in English does so with more energy, intelligence and allusiveness than Rushdie. Nearly every page of The Ground Beneath Her Feet offers something to arrest a devoted reader’s attention: puns and wordplays galore . . . and enough literary echoes—of Joyce, Yeats, Frost, Dante, oh hell, of nearly everybody—to keep graduate students on the prowl through these pages for years.” —Paul Gray, Time

“The best thing ever written about rock and roll…A book of profound affirmation, of indomitable humanity. Of love.” The Baltimore Sun

“Lusty, sprawling, acid-high. With it, Rushdie enters a new rawness, a different madhouse, America.” Washington Post

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